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Useful Resources

Since 2014, I’ve provided patients with all the tools they need to maintain a healthy mindset and stay informed on the latest developments in the industry. Even when you’re not in my office, my resources are easily accessible for your convenience. Check out the resources listed below, and stay informed!

Support Group

Trauma and Addiction: Tools for Recovery

This is your resources section. You can use this space to publish relevant tips about therapy, new trends in psychology and legal resources for your visitors. Informational articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and keep your visitors engaged.

A Supportive Hug

Coping With Stress: 7 Tips for Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

This is your resources section. You can use this space to publish relevant tips about therapy, new trends in psychology and legal resources for your visitors. Informational articles can be a great way to position yourself as an authority in your field, and keep your visitors engaged.

Resources: Resources

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